What does the expansion of photovoltaics in Europe signify?

What does the expansion of photovoltaics in Europe signify?

Införandet av en rad europeiska politiska åtgärder för att stödja utvecklingen av den nya energisektorn har inneburit ett starkt statligt stöd till den gröna sektorn i form av politik och finansiering. Varför utvecklar regeringarna energisektorn? Vad innebär den snabba expansionen av energisektorn? Kom…
The European Commission’s new proposal to continue the promotion of renewable energy: new buildings need to use 100% solar energy on their roofs!

The European Commission’s new proposal to continue the promotion of renewable energy: new buildings need to use 100% solar energy on their roofs!

Last Tuesday, members of the European Parliament voted 343 to 216, with 78 abstentions, to adopt a draft measure aimed at increasing refurbishment rates and reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Members of the Parliament will now negotiate with the Council to…
How does photovoltaic power generation generate losses?

How does photovoltaic power generation generate losses?

There are many factors to consider, including temperature, dust and pollution, shading, module orientation and tilt, inverter efficiency, cable loss, etc. However, Maysun Solar has compiled a list of the main factors to avoid power loss to the greatest extent possible. Module orientation…